The RACT Association of Tasmania Committee Members (as at March, 2020) are:
President: LTCOL D. M. Wyatt, OAM, RFD, (Retd) Vice President: SGT S. Kuipers Secretary: MAJ A. E. Wyatt Treasurer: MAJ W. E. King, RFD, (Retd) Property Member (North): SGT S. Kuipers, Property Member (South): CPL B. Topfer HON Auditor: LTCOL G. Barnett, RFD, (Retd) Committee 1: K. Fraser Committee 2: Ms T. King Committee 3: Ex SGT G. Munday Committee 4: CAPT R. E. Foster, ED (Retd)
Constitution of the RACT Association of Tasmania
NAME: 1. The name of the association shall be the 'RACT Association of Tasmania'. DEFINITIONS 2. The following definitions shall apply to the constitution of the 'RACT Association of Tasmania'. a. 'The Association' means the 'RACT Association of Tasmania'. b. 'RACT' means the 'Royal Australian Corps of Transport'. c. 'RAASC' means the 'Royal Australian Army Service Corps'. d. 'RAE (TN)' means the 'Royal Australian Engineers (Transportation)'. e. ‘The Corps’ means the ‘RACT’ and its predecessor Corps ‘RAASC’ & ‘RAE (TN)’. f. 'Committee' means the 'Committee of the RACT Association of Tasmania'. MEMBERSHIP 3. Membership of the Association shall be open to any person who has served in the RACT, RAASC or RAE (TN) or is serving in the RACT. (Regular or Reserve, Full Time or Part Time) including wives, husbands or partners. OBJECTIVES 4. The objectives of the 'RACT Association of Tasmania' is to: a. facilitate social events and meetings; b. assist in arranging the annual RACT birthday dinner each year; c. represent the RACT at public functions such as ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day etc; d. keep serving and former members of the RACT informed on current activities through a periodic newsletter; e. raise funds for the RACT central fund; f. foster and promote 'esprit de corps' within the RACT and to take an active interest in that Corps; g. develop and maintain an awareness of the history of the Corps in Tasmania; h. preserve the memory of those who have served in the Corps and to aid those who may be in need. i. care for such memorials committed to the charge of the Association. j. provide a link between the Association and the RACT Corps Committee. MANAGEMENT 5. The management and control of the Association shall, subject to the powers hereinafter given to the body of Members in general assembled at the Annual General Meeting, be invested in a general committee consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Media/PR Officer, Historical/Research Officer and other Members as required. The committee where practical shall include the RACT Regional Representative (OC 44 Tpt Sqn, as detailed in RACT Policy Statement No 13), a serving SNCO of the RACT, two serving JNCO of the RACT and two retired or non serving member of the Corps. They shall be elected annually as hereinafter provided. The President shall be the chairperson of any general committee or general association meeting. PATRON 6. The Colonel Commandant RACT (Tasmania Region) shall be the Patron of the Association. (In accordance with RACT Policy Statement No 14 para 6) COMMITTEE MEETINGS 7. The Secretary shall convene meetings of the Committee at such time or times as he or she or the President shall deem necessary provided that a meeting shall be convened if and when a request in writing is made by any three members of the Committee. Any such request shall state the purpose/s for which the meeting is desired.
POWERS OF THE COMMITTEE 8. The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur among office bearers or members of the Committee during the year and any person so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. In the event of any office or other position appertaining to the Association not having been filled at the Annual General Meeting the Committee shall have the power to fill the same.
QUORUM 9. Four members of the Committee present at any Committee Meeting shall constitute a quorum. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 10. An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the third quarter of each year for the purpose of: a. Receiving from the Committee a report, Statement of Receipts and Payment, and Statement of Account for the previous year. b. Receiving the report of the Honorary Auditor thereon. c. Electing office bearers. d. Deciding any resolutions which may be submitted to the meeting. e. Setting the amount of the Annual Membership Subscription. f. Resolving any other general business. NOTICE OF MEETING 11. The Secretary shall give fourteen days notice to every financial ordinary Member and to any other person who is eligible to be a member as the committee may decide. 12. A copy of Balance Sheet for the past financial year shall accompany the Notice calling the Meeting. 13. All Members shall be entitled to be present at such Annual General Meeting provided however, that no person who is not a financial member ordinary Member for the last preceding or present financial year shall speak or vote on any matter thereat. BALLOT 14. In the Event of there being more than the required number of Candidates to fill the number of vacancies an election shall be held and decided by majority vote of the Annual General Meeting. The President, shall have the deciding vote in the case of a tied ballot. QUORUM 15. Ten members shall constitute a quorum for an Annual General Meeting. If the required quorum of 10 members is not present at the AGM after 15 minutes of the notified time of the meeting, the members present become the quorum.
POWERS OF SECRETARY 16. In addition to the powers hereinbefore or hereinafter given to him or her, the Secretary shall have full power to deal with the following matters: a. Such matter or matters as the Committee Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting may from time to time delegate to him. b. All necessary incidental matters connected with the Association as to which it is inexpedient to call a Committee Meeting. c. Such other power or powers as are usually assigned to persons holding a similar position. THE TREASURER 17. The Treasurer shall keep all books of account and records and shall pay into any bank, building society or credit union as may from time to time be appointed by the Committee into an account to be kept in the name of the Association all monies received by the Association. Any such account shall be operated on the signature of any two nominated account holders. AUDITOR 18. An Honorary Auditor shall be elected at the time and in the manner hereinbefore provided for the election of General Committee, and shall submit his report to the next Annual General Meeting. All books of account and record shall be produced to the Honorary Auditor by the Secretary or Treasurer on demand. The Honorary Auditor shall not be a member of the committee. FINANCIAL YEAR 19. The financial year shall end on 30th June of each year. INCOME AND PROPERTY 20. The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives and purpose of the Association and no part thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly in any way to members of the Association or any other person provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the reimbursement or remuneration of any officer or member of the Association for expenditure incurred on behalf of or services rendered to the Association. DISSOLUTION 21. The Association may be dissolved or wound up by a resolution at any Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for such purpose. If upon the dissolution or winding up of the Association there remains, after satisfaction to all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, that property shall not be paid to, transferred or distributed amongst the members of the Association. It shall be given to such other associations, institution or body having similar wholly or in part to the objects of the Association provided that association, institution of its income and property among its members, or it shall be paid to or transferred to some charitable object or organisation determined by the Members of the Association at or before the time of dissolution or winding up. RULES 22. The Committee may make rules not inconsistent with the objects of this constitution. Any such rules shall be ratified at the next following General Meeting. Adopted at the inaugural meeting of the RACT Association of Tasmania on 2 March 2003. President: (Printed Name) _________________________ Signature: Date: Secretary: (Printed Name) _________________________ Signature: Date: Treasurer: (Printed Name) _________________________ Signature: Date: Witnesses by HONCOL D. M. Wyatt, RFD Signature: Date: