RACT Association of Tasmania
"Par Oneri"
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RACT 44th Anniversary Dinner, Devonport RSL Club, Sat, 3rd, June, 17

Congratulations are extended to Garth Pearce, 44 Tpt Sqn on his promotion to Sergeant on 7 Dec 2016.

HR2 Drivers Course conducted by 2FSB, 20 Nov – 3 Dec 16

Campbell Town, October, 2016

Range Practice at Buckland in August, 2016.

CPL Tim Berwick, Ex Hamel, Jun/Jul, 2016

CPL Tim Berwick, Ex Hamel, Jun/Jul, 2016.

CPL Bec Campton, Ex Hamel Jun/Jul, 2016.

CPL Bec Campton, Ex Hamel Jun/Jul, 2016

CPL Bec Campton on Ex Hamel Jun/Jul 2016.

Ex CPL Ian Bannister and Mrs Bannister at the RACT anniversary dinner. 

Ian was presented with his certificate of ARES Service by HOC, BRIG Nothard, AM, CSC 

HOC, BRIG Paul Nothard, AM, CSC, OC 44 Tpt Sqn, MAJ Annette Wyatt and members of 44 Transport Squadron at the RACT Anniversary Dinner, 2015

The new 44 Transport Squadron shoulder patch.