RACT Colonels Commandant, 1973 - 2015
OC's 44 TPT COY/SQN, 1952 - 2015
CSM's / SSM,s 44 TPT COY/SQN, 1952 - 2015
Various aspects of the history of the RAASC and RACT have been published as detailed below:
"Equal to the Task" , Volume 1 by Neville Lindsay.

"The Royal Australian Corps of Transport" by Albert Palazzo.

"Par Oneri 44" by LTCOL D. M. Wyatt, OAM, RFD, (Retd).

"Upon Wings of Eagles" by LTCOL D. M. Wyatt, OAM, RFD, (Retd).

Australian Army Service Corps (AASC) in Tasmania
 Australian Army Service Corps (AASC) Garrison Details in Camp at the Brighton Racecourse, Nov 1908 (Tasmanian Mail, 14 Nov 1908).  Members of the 23rd Army Service Corps, (Back Row L/R), CPL Jeffrey, PTE Andrews, PTE Reid, QMS R. A. Godfrey, PTE Ward, WO2?, (Front Row L/R), PTE Chappell, PTE Shelton, PTE Winch, PTE Stevens?, (circa 1912-14). 23rd Army Service Corps, in the centre row are LT Young and QMS R. A. Godfrey, (circa 1912-1914).
 QMS, R. A. Godfrey (centre rear), 23rd Army Service Corps, circa 1912-14.
 23rd Army Service Corps Company.
 23rd Army Service Corps Company at the Ross Annual Encampment of 1913. L/R Driver J. Wilson, Driver R. A. Godfrey, Driver J. Davidson, Driver Brazell.
 Army Service Corps at the Perth Easter Encampment 1914 (Tasmanian Mail, 23 Apr 1914, pp23).  AIF, Army Service Corps Camp at Pontville, circa Sep 1914.
 AASC Training under snow conditions, 13 Sept 1943
  AASC driving cross country, circa 1943
 AASC instruction on 'Supply Accountancy', circa 1943

AASC Instruction on mechanical principles, circa 1943
 AASC Clothing Store (Possibly Anglesea Barracks circa 1943)
 123rd Indipendant Transport Platoon RAASC
 BACK ROW (L/R) PTE’s L. T. Butler, B. R. Davies, G. D. Ransom, L. Briggs, M. D. Viney, K. V. Pinner, F. A. Dobson, N. M. Herbert, M. C. Turner, 5th ROW PTE’s K. D. Willis, L.L. Barnett, L. J. Betts, R. J. Cox, B. W. Willis, K. A. Auton, I. N. Barnett, N. M. Burrows, F. L. Butt, D. Goodall, 4th ROW PTE’s N. L. McKenzie, L. C. Wilson, M. C. Parker, R, E, Viney, G. C. Casboult, R. Grenda, P. L. Goss, A. C. Garwood, D. A. Dickenson, 3rd ROW PTE’s B. D. Briggs, G. H. Hill, B. L. Handley, D. A. Gerke, D. C. P. Pratt, F. G. D’Arney, N. J. Barrett, D. Hall, R. M. Cox, W. Haas, 2nd ROW LCPL’s F. W. Calder, L. A. Ranson, R. P. Reynolds, R. P. Crawshaw, N. C. Charlston, I. C. Killworth, I. L. Berwick, L. Grook, K. R. French, PTE J. J. Robinson, 1st ROW CPL G. F. Priestley, CPL N. C. Williams, SGT M. L. Moorhouse, SGT H. H. Shearing, LT D. M. Devitt, MAJ P. G. Barker, WOII E. M. Miller, SGT J. M. Senior, CPL G. C. Dobson, CPL G. J. Farrell.
11 Company (RAASC) during the 1950's
 Members of 11 Company RAASC (GT) receiving orders for the Army’s 1st Crew in a civilian car trial driving a 1953 Holden Ute were L/R MAJ J. D. Patterson, SGT L. N. Pearce, WO2 V. C. Norton, SGT Alan Conacher, WO2 ‘Bluey’ Drewitt, SGT G. T. Thomas, SGT B. A. Godfrey. (The Mercury C1640/3) 11 Company RAASC (GT), Anglesea Barracks, circa 1958 (C13630).
 11 (GT) Company RAASC, Driving & Maintenance Course, Anglesea Barracks, 1955 (The Mercury C1640/5). 44 & 47 Transport Company's (RAASC) during the 1950's
 Devonport Drill Hall @ HQ 44 Transport Company, cnr Stewart & Fenton St in 1952. 44 Transport Company RAASC (Motor Ambulance) Parade in Rooke St., Devonport, Sat 30th May 1953, celebrating the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
 47 Company RAASC outside the Jones Street Depot in June 1953 preparing to move off to Gowrie Park for a weekend bivouac (The Advocate 4314).
44 Transport Company, Deloraine Camp 1954 Members of 47 Company RAASC advance party being briefed on the movement of vehicles from Dowsing Point to Mona Vale, 1955 (The Advocate 10,088-A).
Captain Mick Sherriff being presented with the Efficiency Medal by BRIG A. D. Molloy, 20 July 1957 44 Company Officers 1957, L/R LT A Adderton, CAPT A.A. Freak, LT A. G. Emmett & LT E. R. Armsby.  47 Company officers at the 1959 Annual Camp, L/R LT Ray Pease, LT Lyle Beaumont, LT Graham Riley, the OC, CAPT Alan Crawford, LT Harry Ruffles, CAPT Jim Cruishank, LT Larry Gleeson, and LT Tony Fletcher (The Advocate 25823) 44 & 47 Transport Company's & 10 Field Ambulance during the 1960's
Roger Briggs (left) and LT Alan Cooke of Burnie discussing an infantry weapons competition between 152 & 153 Platoons at Burnie in 1963.  Officer Commanding 44 Company, MAJ G. P. Riley congratulating SGT G. Anderson holding the Lord Rowallan Trophy in 1964.
 47 Company (RAASC) vehicle parade in Salamanca, Hobart in 1964.
10th Field Ambulance, RAASC drivers on exercise at Robigana (West Tamar) in 1965.
 Pictured demonstrating the stripping of the SLR at Devonport in 1965 were PTE’s M. Dixon of Wynyard and J. Wilson of Burnie. 10th Field Ambulance drivers at Anglesea Barracks 1967.
 This brass plaque is located at Anglesea Barracks. Both 44 and 47 Transport Companies supported the clean up for 4 weeks, following the 1967 bushfires.
 Chaplain Dick Lawton and Major John Addison, OC 47 Transport Company, circa 1966/67.
 Captain Bruce Godfrey and Lieutenant Brian Spaulding, 47 Company at Buckland Training Area in 1968 (The Mercury 61406/6)
44 & 47 Transport Company/Squadron during the 1970's
47 Company DUWKS on Lake Sorell March 1972
47 Company Exercise vat Interlaken in March 1972. 47 Company (RAASC) exercise on Mt Cuckoo, November 1972.  LCPL Dennis Applebee of Devonport and PTE Adrian Kemp, of Ulverstone check their rifles prior to an Infantry Minor Tactics exercise near Lake Crescent during the 1973 Annual Camp.
 Parade to mark the disbandment of Royal Australian Army Service Corps (RAASC) and the formation of the Royal Australian Corps of Transport (RACT) at Anglesea Barracks, Hobart, on Saturday, the 3rd of June 1973.
 BRIG J. D. Stevenson inspecting the parade accompanied by the parade commander, LT D. M. Wyatt and OC 44 Tpt Coy, MAJ I. J. Clark at Devonport, 12th Oct 1974.
 Presentation of long service medals at Devonport, 12th Oct 1974, L/R, MAJ I. J. Clark, LCOL E.J. Diprose, WO2 G. J. Anderson, BRIG J. D. Stevenson, SGT R. P. Bellchambers, & SGT J. W. Langerak.
. PTE Rodney Smith, PTE David Donoghue, SGT Roelph Deboer and LCPL Wayne Rowlings, Ex “Drip Dry”, Loongana, Nov 1976.
SGT Grant Munday, 44 Transport Squadron, ANZAC Day, Latrobe 1979. 44 & 47 Transport Squadrons during the 1980's
 LCPL Leonie Ryan, Shale Rd., Latrobe, May 1981.  LTCOL Tony Bidgood, PTE Damian Bidgood & MAJ Mark Bidgood, RACT Birthday, 47 Tpt Sqn OR’s Club, Dowsing Point, June 1982.
 WO2 Greg Campbell and SGT John Stuart, 44 Tpt Sqn Workshops, c1984
‘Freedom of entry to the City of Devonport’ was granted to 44 Transport Squadron at Devonport, 17 March 1984.
 ‘Freedom of entry to the City of Devonport’
 44 Transport Squadron Recon Group at Stony Head, Annual Field Exercise, March 1985. L/R Capt R. E. Foster, LT T. Schubert , OC, Maj D. M. Wyatt, Capt John Gunn, LT G. Webster.
  (left) 44 Tpt Sqn at the Lake Paranganna advanced drivers course, Nov 1985. (right) CO 44 Transport Squadron, MAJ D. M. Wyatt
 LT Annette Wells, ANZAC Day Devonport 1986

44 Transport Squadron during the 1990's 
 44 Sqn CSM, WO2 P. Smith, 1992
 44 Tpt Sqn Admin Staff, Robbins Is AFX Oct/Nov 1992.
 44 Transport Squadron Flag, 1995
44 Transport Squadron during the 2000's  44 Transport Squadron, Operation Sustain, 23 – 25 Jun 2000
 44 Tpt Sqn deployment, “Windfalls” Central Tasmania, 2001
 APC Lift from Devonport to Hobart, 17/18 May 2002.
 Chaplain Henry Iver and SGT Paul Deboer, circa 2002
 Current and past Colonel Commands RACT (Tasmania Region), 2002 HONCOL D.M. Wyatt, RFD, Mrs Bev Coghlan, OAM, MAJ B. Godfrey, ED, LTCOL A. C. Bidgood, RFD, ED, LTCOL M. Bidgood, RFD
 RACT Association AGM at Ross in 2003
 SGT Grant Munday and HOC BRIG Mullhall, AM, RACT Anniversary Dinner 2010
 RACT Anniversary Dinner 2010
 HOC with past & present Colonel Commandants Tas Region
  RACT Association of Tasmania AGM 2011 at the "Man-O-Ross" hotel, 27 March 2011
 RACT Association of Tasmania AGM 2011 at the "Man-O-Ross" hotel, 27 March 2011
 Members of 172 Tpt Tp, 44 Tpt Sqn, provided the catafalque party at Glenorchy on ANZAC Day 2011. Pictured left to right are LCPL Gordon, LCPL Campton, CPL Bannister, LCPL De Vries and LCPL Perkins.
 SGT Grant Munday, 44 Tpt Sqn, 2FSB was fare-welled from the Squadron upon retirement in April 2011. Grant enlisted in 44 Coy, RAASC in 1966. He was presented his Federation Star by the Chief of Army in 2010. Grant had been a member of the Corps and the GRes for 45 years. Well done Grant! Grant is holding a signed photo of himself taken at Latrobe on ANZAC Day 1979.
 Pictured at AGFEST (5th - 7th May, 2011) were members of the Corps manning a recruiting display. They were PTE Tibballs, WO2 Brannan, PTE Hill and LCPL Campton.
RACT Anniversary Dinner, Devonport RSL Club, June 2011


 CPL A. J. Timmerman and Grant Munday holding the the CAPT Peter McCarthy framed jacket. RACT Anniversary Dinner, Devonport RSL Club, June 2011
 44 Transport Squadron, Drivers Course, July, 2011 (LCPL Fittkau's birthday on 13 July)
 Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, chatting with members of 2FSB at Anglesea Barracks during the open day on Sat, 3rd Dec 2011, to celibrate the 200th Anniversary of the Barracks.
 Presentation of the Federation Star to Major Annette Wyatt on Friday, 16 March 2012. Pictured above is MAJ Annette Wyatt and the Royal Australian Corps of Tasnsport HOC, BRIG Andrew Bottrell, CSC and Bar.

 RACT Association of Tasmania AGM at Ross, Sunday, 1 April 2012
  Members of 44 TPT SQN assisting the Tasmanian Emergency Services during Exercise 'Fire Assist', 28/28 Apr 2012.
  ANZAC Day 2012 - 2 FSB Catafalque Party at Glenorchy, Tasmania.
  Members of 44 TPT SQN pictured at AGFEST at Carrick, Tasmania, April 2012 (Left) PTE Brendan Sargent & PTE Gleeson. (Right) PTE Kylie Brazendale, PTE Brendan Sargent, PTE Marnie Hill and LCPL Bec Campton.
  The RACT Association was well represented at the Reserve Forces Day Parade at the Derwent Entertainment Centre on Sunday, 1 Jul 2012. RFD Medallions were presented to partners of Reservist in recognition of their support.
 44 Tpt Sqn Sand Driving Exercise at St Helens, Aug 2012.
 44 Tpt Sqn Sand Driving Exercise at St Helens, Aug 2012.
 44 Tpt Sqn Sand Driving Exercise at St Helens, Aug 2012.
 SGT A. J. Timmerman, 160 Tpt Tp. 44 Tpt Sqn Sand Driving Exercise at St Helens, Aug 2012.
 44 Tpt Sqn Recruits undergo Navigation Training, 2012. 

To be continued ........